Wellness Roadshow: Searching for Whole Being
"Raising consciousness through conversation."
Hello and welcome to the Wellness Roadshow: Searching for Whole Being. I am often asked, "What is wellness and what does one do to achieve the highest state of well being?" After two years of hosting, and after over two hundred interviews on varying aspects of wellness I can honestly say this: We live in extraordinary times, times of unprecedented wisdom, knowledge, beliefs and theories. More than ever before we can understand the perfect interrelationship of mind, body and spirit. We truly are evolving a new paradigm, where thoughts create, where hope heals, where love, compassion and joy are the prescriptions for living a life well balanced, peaceful and whole. Wellness and whole being are determined completely by you: how you think, what you believe, how you act, and how you choose to ‘be’ in this world. It is my goal and purpose to bring you, each week on the Wellness Roadshow, authors and experts in the field of health, wellness and whole being. My fondest hope is that you will open your mind, listen with your heart, and find those moments of ah-ha that will awaken within you the eternal state of perfection that is who you truly are, have been and always will be. Join me, each week, as together we explore this new world filled with infinite knowledge, wisdom and possibility.
Host, Catherine Bradford
I am Living to Tell! - 4/04/13

Laurie J. Beck
In 2006, I was diagnosed with a rare form of incurable non-Hodgkin's lymphoma as well as leukemia. Three years ago, my doctors told me that they could not find any trace of cancer in my body. The cancer I had is considered "indolent" which means that it is sleeping and could awaken at any time. So while I cannot say that I healed myself of cancer, I can say that I was given my life back in May of 2009, and I am Living to Tell, Surviving incurable cancer without kiling my mother, my granny or my ex is the s...
The Fear and Anxiety Solution - 3/28/13

Friedemann Schaub, MD, PhD
The Fear and Anxiety Solution is the 2012 USA Best-Book Award Winner in the category best new-self-help book and an international bestseller on amazon. Dr. Schaub’s new book is a step-by-step guide that explains how to transform fear and anxiety into powerful catalysts that lead to greater confidence, self-worth, and success. Each chapter offers specific tools and highly effective, easy-to-follow processes that allow you to understand, direct, and utilize the subconscious mind as our greatest ally on the path to health a...
Fingerprints and Behavior - 10/18/12

Edward Campbell
Can fingerprints predict hand coordination in sports, will the two handed basketball free throw go off the rim or swish through the net, whether a golf drive will go straight, hook or slice? Can competitiveness, multitasking abilities, perhaps even degrees of honesty be predicted at birth? This book is certain to raise controversy throughout professional and academic circles as it challenges current psychological theories, and requires new approaches to child rearing, education aptitude and human resource assessments and psychological ...
End Emotional Eating - 9/13/12

Jennifer Taitz, PsyD
Clinical psychologist uses latest research in behavioral therapy and the science of mindfulness to help those who struggle with food manage their emotions WHO: Clinical psychologist Dr. Jenny Taitz introduces the latest in psychology to help those who struggle with emotions and eating in her upcoming book, End Emotional Eating: Using Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills to Cope with Difficult Emotions and Develop Healthy Relationship to Food (New Harbinger, July 1, 2012). WHAT: Food is something we can't live without, yet...
Use Your Body to Heal Your Mind - 5/17/12

Henry Grayson, Ph.D.
Now more than ever, stress is directly related to emotional, physical and behavioral issues. Depression, anxiety, failing health, and a lack of real hope need to be addressed more quickly in order for people to become healthier, higher functioning and happier. What happens when we do not address our underlying stress? Chronic stress, including un-cleared traumas, not only increases stress hormones, but has also been shown to accelerate the growth of precancerous cells and tumors, and to lower our body’s resistance to ...
The Myth of the Broken Home: A Guidebook for Single Parents - 3/29/12

April Gabrielle
April Gabrielle, a counselor/mediator and single mom, shares her personal story of raising two children in a broken home and encourages us that successful parenting can still take place whatever the circumstances. Through her own experiences and lessons learned throughout her career, Gabrielle offers a clear and practical approach to the world of single parenting. As a single parent who is Black, one of Gabrielle's greatest concerns is the absence of the father in the African American community. Although this is a huge issue in the Afri...
A Couple's Guide to Sexual Addiction - 1/19/12

Paldrom Catharine Collins
If you and your partner are trying to cope with sexual addiction, you may be asking these very questions. But you’re not alone. Now, married couple Paldrom Collins, a couples counselor, and George Collins, a former sex addict and director of Compulsions Solutions, draw on their personal experiences to give you the answers you’ve been searching for. Complete with stories of couples who know exactly how you feel, A Couple’s Guide to Sexual Addiction shows you that you can repair your damaged relationship and uses exercise...
Taming Your Inner Tyrant - 11/17/11

Patty de Llosa
@font-face { font-family: "Times"; }@font-face { font-family: "?? ??"; }@font-face { font-family: "?? ??"; }@font-face { font-family: "Cambria"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: Cambria; }p.style-serif6, li.style-serif6, div.style-serif6 { margin-right: 0in; margin-left: 0in; font-size: 10pt; font-family: Times; }.MsoChpDefault { font-family: Cambria; }div.WordSection1 { page: WordSection1; } Do you, too, have an inner Tyrant, a hypercritical judge who monito...
Destiny vrs. Choice - 10/06/11

Marie D. Jones
“You can’t avoid it, it’s written in the stars.” “Life is what you make it.” Since the day we are born, we are bombarded with contradictory claims that our lives are pre-destined, that Fate deals us the cards we must play OR that our lives are the results of our choices, and that we make it up as we go along. “Destiny vs. Choice” examines the philosophical, spiritual and scientific evidence for both claims, and how we can live better, mor...
Energetics of Change - 8/12/11

Catherine Bradford, HOST
Today, host Catherine Bradford returns LIVE to the airwaves. After many months of focusing on her relocation from Seattle back to Southern California, she has a lot to share about what really is entailed with taking on such a huge change. Besides the obvious physical toll making such a huge move demands, what are the more subtle, but equally important shifts that occur. After all, we are creatures made up of energy, surrounded by everything that is made up of energy. Changing our homes, our communities, our weather patterns, our territoria...
The Essential Laws of Fearless Living - 8/11/11

Guy Finley
Imagine what you life would be like if you were able to break free of illusions of limitation? What would our lives be like if we lived consciously through our True Selves? What would your life be like if you truly understood that negative states are not mandatory, but voluntary! In "The Essential Laws of Fearless Living", author Guy Finley offers us ideas that lead the way to a higher life. As founder and director of Life of Learning Foundation, Guy has made a life's work of showing people how to find a life of freedom, end...
Soul Currency: Inveseting Your Inner Wealth for Fullfillment and Abundance - 7/07/11

Ernest Chu
With Author Ernest Chu Do you feel dissatisfied with your job and life? If the answer is "Yes", you're not alone. According to the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than two out of three working Americans are interested in changing careers, the highest rate ever. Studies also reveal that the average working American will have 3-5 careers and 10-12 jobs in his or her lifetime and STILL lack job satisfaction more often than not. Why is it that so many people are spending so much of their lives doing things that don't insp...
The Calcium Lie: What Your Doctor Doesn't Know Could Kill You! - 7/07/11

Robert Thompson MD
What makes your bones strong? If you answered, "Calcium" you'd be among the 95% of all of us, including doctors, who subscribe to The Calcium Lie. Dr. Robert Thompason dispel this deadly lie and other medical myths that are destroying our health. "The Calcium Lie" reveals a ticking time bomb and our body's need for the full complement of minerals to achieve perfect health. On a wide range of health topics, from Osteopororis to Diabetes, Birth Defects, to Heartburn - the co-authors of this book have some startling, and...
Changing Planet, Changing Health - 6/23/11

Dan Ferber
Come host Catherine Bradford as she returns to the airwaves welcoming award winning journalist Dan Ferber. Dan has co-authored "Changing Planet, Changing Health" along with Paul R Epstein, M.D. M.P.H. Together these experts have connected stories of real people with cutting-edge scientific and medical information, and present the first in-depth, on-the-ground investigation of the health risks posed by climate change. ...
The Living Matrix - 6/16/11

Greg Becker
Mind, intention, belief...can these factors influence healing? How do placebos work? Can science explain “miracle” cures? A ground-breaking new film, THE LIVING MATRIX—THE NEW SCIENCE OF HEALING (Beyond Words/$19.95), answers these questions and explores how quantum physics, energy fields, and consciousness directly affects our health and well-being. For the first time leading scientists, researchers, and holistic practitioners share the latest science and alternative concepts that are revolutionizing healthcare as we ...
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Hello everyone!
Well, as much as I had wanted to begin broadcasting The Catherine Bradford Show as soon as July 16th on LA Talk Radio, it appears that we are all going to have to wait for that DEBUT SHOW. Over this past week circumstances (family matters) have created the need for me to postpone my opening show from airing, and so, we will all have to wait. I am hoping to have made it to the other side of these events within a short period of time, but until then, I am asking for your patience.
In the meantime, while taking this short and temporary hiatus from being on air live, I want to invite you to keep c...
06/27 - Juliet Maroni

Many of you who tune in regularly to the CTR Network and the Catherine Bradford Show are already aware that June 27th marks my last LIVE broadcast on this internet station. Do not dispair, I have no intention of leaving internet radio or hosting the Catherine Bradford Show. I have made the difficult decision, however, to switch internet radio stations, and soon you will be able to listen to my show LIVE on LA Talk Radio, located in Los Angeles. This growing station offers over 80 shows, on two channels, in a wide variety of topics. I am thrilled to have the opportuni...
06/20 - Derek Mills

A Practical Guide to Releasing Your Inner Genius
Derek Mills
Derek Mill's story of how he turned his life around from failing businessman and father to creating a massively succefful and harmonious life will both inspire you and warm your heart. It only took one seemingly insignificant question from an office security guard one night for Derek to stop, connect deep within himself, and in the next 10 seconds begin to see a way to change his entire life completely. Derek's philosophy of immediate change - The 10 Second Philosophy - will transform your business, relationships, and life, and also bring you a sense ...