Spiriting Around: A Modern Guide to Finding Yourself

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Spiriting Around: A Modern Guide to Finding Yourself


Spiriting Around: A Modern Guide to Finding Yourself

Mark Tomback

Show Description:
Mark Tomback has over 35 years experience, study, and consideration in spiritual matters. And it's always come naturally to him. "Spiriting Around" is a book on practical spirituality. It's not another sea-foam-on-the-beach type book. Its theme is that life's too hard but gets easier when we accept spiritual responsibility. It was written with teens in mind but it's really for anyone. It's a guidebook for growing up. And who couldn't use that - at any age? It describes work and responsible ways to make money. Then love, sex, marriage, friendship, and love for God, all from a spiritual standpoint. Then a unique chapter explains the paradoxes life forces on us as we make the decisions that frame our values. And the last chapter comes full circle and describes God, our future in the world, and what we can do about it.


Guest Bio:
Mark grew up in the Jewish tradition on Long Island in the 1960s after his family moved from Brooklyn in the early Fifties as part of the post war exodus. While not a religious person he was always naturally inclined to his spirituality as a consuming interest even as a child before he knew what spirituality was. Unfortunately he became mired in the drug culture which was part of the great social revolution of the Sixties. While many passed through that time as part of their normal growing up, for Mark it was a catastrophe and stole the most formative years of his young life, the part where youthful confusions are supposed to get the guidance that shows them how to be a mature person.
And while not formally educated beyond high school he was always smart and never stopped reading and thinking. So as soon as he pulled himself out of that debilitating time, 1966-1974, he set about to fix himself and build the kind of confident life he always wanted with the real work starting in 1971. And so Spiriting Around is the product of over 35 years of steady effort to explain what he had found and make it easier for anyone else who might want to use it so their life wouldn’t have to be so hard.    

Tags: Family, Relationships, Spirituality, Transformational

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