Oh My God? New Documentary Film

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Oh My God? New Documentary Film

Peter Rodgers

Show Description:
Frustrated with religious turnoil, fanaticism and fundamentalism, filmmaker Peter Rodger set out on a global quest to understand why the concept of God has become politicized. In his stunningly, beautiful documentary film Oh My God? Rabbis, Christian Fundamentalists, Catholic Priests, Buddhist Llamas, Hindu Swamis, Zen Masters, Muslim radicals, Shamans and ordinary people across the globe share their unique perspectives and understanding of God, along with several celebrities including Hugh Jackman, Seal, Ringo Starr, Sir Bob Geldof, and Jack Thompson.
Come join host Catherine Bradford as she welcomes director Peter Rodger as he reveals the desire for peace on earth among all people around the world.


Guest Bio:


Peter Rodger grew up looking through a camera lens. As a teenager, the award-winning British director honed his skills by assisting his father, George Rodger, the renowned photo-journalist and co-founder of Magnum Photos. After completing his education at England's Maidstone College of Art, his skill with the lens made him oneof the most sought-after talents in the European and United States Advertising Industry, shooting numerous car, clothing and cosmetics companies' print and commercial campaigns in over forty different countries. Peter has exhibited his fine art work all over the world and has won numerous awards for his filmed work including several Telly Awards. Peter has penned seven screenplays – including “Bystander” – to be shot 2010; “Comfort of The Storm” – entering pre-production Autumn 2009 and “Publication Day” – In development. After two-and-a-half years of filming across 23 countries, Peter has just completed producing and directing the epic non-fiction, documentary film entitled “Oh My God?” – which explores people’s diverse opinions and perceptions of God.

Peter resides in Los Angeles with his wife and children.


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