An Hour With Don Miguel Ruiz

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An Hour With Don Miguel Ruiz

don Miguel Ruiz

Show Description:
Since 1997, The Four Agreements has transformed the lives of millions of people around the world with a simple but profound message.

Now bestselling author don Miguel Ruiz and his son, don Jose Ruiz, collaborate with this powerful sequel The Fifth Agreement.

The Four Agreements provides the foundation for breaking thousands of agreements that create needless suffering and with The Fifth Agreement you recover all the power of your authenticity, which is who you really are when you are born.

Guest Bio:
Don Miguel Ruiz was born into a family of healers and raised in rural Mexico by a curandera (healer) mother and nagual (shaman) grandfather. The family anticipated don Miguel would embrace their centuries old legacy of healing and teaching and as a nagual, carry forward the esoteric Toltec knowledge. Instead, distracted by modern life, don Miguel chose to attend medical school and later teach and practice as a surgeon.

Don Miguel began teaching in the United States, with his mother, the Curandera, Sarita in 1987. He taught small groups of people in a small room in Logan Heights, CA. Working with Sarita, he first began with healing practices. As his knowledge of English grew, he realized that he preferred to share his lineage through oral tradition, rather than a healing tradition.

Don Miguel's students grew in numbers and his mythologies and guidance grew with them. He appeared in lectures in Santa Fe, NM, Los Angeles, CA, Sacramento, CA, Santa Rosa, CA and in many other locales. He began to share the wisdom that resulted in the creation of The Four Agreements®, when he witnessed his various students struggling to quiet their minds. Don Miguel created a specific series of practical tools, that when used by anyone, can result in consistent and long-term personal transformation.

The tools shared by don Miguel are based on common sense and shared with such simplicity, that the universal message underlying his teaching is recognized by many. Don Miguel's message is simple, practical and when implemented, even incrementally, changes lives.

Miguel & Jose
In the tradition of the Toltec, a Nagual guides an individual to personal freedom. Combining new insights with old wisdom, don Miguel has dedicated his life to sharing the ancient Toltec wisdom by translating it into practical concepts that promote transformation through truth and common sense.

In February of 2002, don Miguel survived a near-fatal heart attack. The impact of the heart attack on his physical body prevents him from returning to wide-spread public speaking and lecturing. He intends to complete several, limited appearances, each year.

When he knew that he could not return to public touring, don Miguel turned to his son, don Jose Luis, and witnessed the passage of a young man into the new Nagual in the Eagle-Knight lineage; Don Jose.

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Posted By: davinci44
I have a Mac do I need to do something to be able to listen to today's broadcast?  Because I can't.
Posted By: c_bradford
Hello Davinci44,

I am not sure why you were not able to 'listen live' with your Mac. Were you prompted at all to make any choices about a media player? What happened when you clicked on the Listen Live button on my homepage? I'll check with our webmasters and see what might have happened once I get more details.
The podcast is uploaded now, so you should be able to listen to it by clicking on the arrowing to begin the interview. If you have further problems, please let me know. I apologize for this incovenience!

Thank you for tuning in!
Catherine Bradford

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