Stoking the Creative Fires: 9 Ways to Rekindle Passion and Imagination

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Stoking the Creative Fires: 9 Ways to Rekindle Passion and Imagination

Phil Cousineau

Show Description:
In Stoking the Creative Fires, award-winning author and filmmaker, Phil Cousineau, gives us the tools we need to alleviate burnout and rekindle passion in all areas of their lives. Divided into three parts — Inspiration, Perspiration, and Realization — Stoking the Creative Fires brings us full circle through the process of creation — from the initial impulse to finding the time and tapping into the source, to focus, to be disciplined, and to deal with the fear of failure or the failure to rekindle one's resources, and finally to making it real — doing it over and over again and keeping the fires alive. Following in the footsteps of Joseph Campbell's famous injunction to "follow your bliss," Cousineau shares with us the fuel to continue the journey to find passion in Stoking the Creative Fires.

Guest Bio:

PHIL COUSINEAU is a writer, teacher, editor, independent scholar, documentary filmmaker, travel leader, and storyteller. His life-long fascination with the art, literature, and history of culture has taken him on many journeys around the world. He lectures frequently on a wide range of topics--from mythology, film, and writing, to beauty, travel, sports, and creativity. He has published more than 20 non-fiction books and has more than 15 scriptwriting credits to his name.

Born at an army hospital in Columbia, South Carolina in the 1950s, Phil Cousineau grew up just outside of Detroit, once known as "the Paris of the Midwest," as he’s fond of saying. While moonlighting in a steel factory he studied journalism at the University of Detroit. Before turning to writing books and films full-time, Cousineau’s peripatetic career included stints as a sportswriter, playing semi-professional basketball in Europe, harvesting date trees on an Israeli kibbutz, painting 44 Victorian houses in San Francisco, and teaching screenwriting at the American Film Institute.

Tags: Inspirational, Transformational, Creativity, Life Purpose

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