The Fear Project

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The Fear Project

Jaimal Yogis

Show Description:

Who among us has not been paralyzed by fear? In THE FEAR PROJECT, award-winning journalist and surfer Jaimal Yogis sets out to better understand fear  – why does it so often dominate our lives, what makes it tick, and is there even a way to use it to our advantage? In the process, he plunges readers into white shark-infested waters, brings them along to surf 40+ foot waves in the dead of winter, and gives them access to some of the world’s best neuroscience labs, psychologists, and extreme athletes.  In this entertaining, often laugh-out-loud narrative, Yogis also treats himself like a guinea pig for all of his research, pushing his own fears repeatedly to the limits—in his sport, in his life, and in love. Ultimately, Yogis shares with his readers the best strategies to emerge triumphant from even the most paralyzing of fears.

THE FEAR PROJECT gives readers insight into the following:

     + How fear evolved in the human brain Who among us has not been paralyzed by fear? In THE FEAR PROJECT, award-winning journalist and surfer Jaimal Yogis sets out to better understand fear  – why does it so often dominate our lives, what makes it tick, and is there even a way to use it to our advantage? In the process, he plunges readers into white shark-infested waters, brings them along to surf 40+ foot waves in the dead of winter, and gives them access to some of the world’s best neuroscience labs, psychologists, and extreme athletes.  In this entertaining, often laugh-out-loud narrative, Yogis also treats himself like a guinea pig for all of his research, pushing his own fears repeatedly to the limits—in his sport, in his life, and in love. Ultimately, Yogis shares with his readers the best strategies to emerge triumphant from even the most paralyzing of fears.

THE FEAR PROJECT gives readers insight into the following:

     + How fear evolved in the human brain

     + How to tell the difference between “good fear” and “bad fear”

     + How to use the latest neuroscience to transform fear memories

     + Why fear spreads between us

     + How to counteract fearful “group think”

     + How to turn fear into a performance enhancer — athletically and at work

In pursuing this terrifying—and often thrilling—journey with Yogis, we learn how to move through fear and unlock a sense of renewed possibility and a more rewarding life.

     + How to tell the difference between “good fear” and “bad fear”

     + How to use the latest neuroscience to transform fear memories

     + Why fear spreads between us

     + How to counteract fearful “group think”

     + How to turn fear into a performance enhancer — athletically and at work

In pursuing this terrifying—and often thrilling—journey with Yogis, we learn how to move through fear and unlock a sense of renewed possibility and a more rewarding life.

Guest Bio:
Jaimal Yogis is an award-winning journalist who has written for ESPN Magazine, The Washington Post, The Surfer's Journal, The Chicago Tribune, AFAR, San Francisco Magazine, and many others. His critically acclaimed first book, Saltwater Buddha, is currently being adapted into a film. Jaimal is an avid surfer and lives in San Francisco with his wife and son.  

Tags: Transformational, Life Purpose

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